21-23 MAY 2025 / PROCIDA, Naples, Italy

Presentation instructions

All authors presenting their paper in an oral session are required to send a PowerPoint presentation by email at info@sumsymposium.it by 12 May 2025.
All oral presentations will be delivered in person. Each presentation should last no more than 10 minutes.
During the presentation company advertising should be avoided. Authors' affiliations or company logos should be very discreet.
On site, speakers should contact the Session Chair 15 minutes before the beginning of their session. The Chair will be available in the conference hall where the session is to take place. Speakers should be present at the conference table from the beginning of the session and remain for the entire duration. If your allotted time runs out during your presentation, do not under any circumstances hurry to finish the entire presentation but go straight to the conclusions. To this regard, it may be of use to prepare a slide illustrating the conclusions in a summarised version.
A staff member will be available at the Speakers' Desk for last-minute check, minor changes and all requirements.

The Organising Secretariat will print, at no extra cost to the authors, all posters included in the conference programme. This service is offered to ease authors' travel to the Symposium venue while ensuring the poster hall is fully prepared before the conference begins.
To this regard, we kindly ask authors to send the PDF file of their poster at info@sumsymposium.it no later than 7 May 2025.
Posters must be A0 size, portrait-oriented (width: 841 mm, height: 1189 mm) and written using large letters as they should be easily readable from a distance of at least 1m. Under no circumstances may posters contain any kind of advertising or commercial propaganda.