21-23 MAY 2025 / PROCIDA, Naples, Italy

Accepted presentations

Explore the list of presentations and workshops accepted so far for SUM 2025 (updated on 21/03/2025)Further proposals may still be submitted >>
Please note that inclusion in the final programme is subject to author registration.

1. Concepts in saving, recovery and recycling of material resources

G. Bonifazi, I. D'Adamo, R. Palmieri, S. Serranti - Sapienza University of Rome (IT)
Workshop: Circular Economy: a pragmatic approach for a sustainable future

M. Mori, D. Cerra, M. Escamilla - Leitat Technological Center (ES)
Workshop: Interactive mapping of Initiatives and opportunities for Urban Mining in the European construction sector

A. Piemonti, G. Plizzari, S. Sorlini - Università degli Studi di Brescia (IT)
Street sweeping waste: state of the art and environmental characterization of the recovered inert materials

N.M. Gusmerotti, S. de Assis Bombardelli Miranda - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
Developing case scenarios: how to create a baseline

V. Belgiorno - Università degli Studi di Salerno (IT)

Outcomes of urban mining from waste bale processing

A. Monsù Scolaro, E. Antonini - Università degli Studi di Sassari (IT)
Between scarcity and circularity of resources: technological innovation for granite scrap in Sardinia

S. Viglia, T. Beltrani, A. Picarelli, C. Chiavetta, R. Dublino, G. Formisano - ENEA (IT)
The role of LCA in sustainable agricultural practices: a case study of the HARNESSTOM Tomato Breeding Project

L. Clerici, A. Piemonti, G. Plizzari, A. Conforti - Università degli Studi di Brescia (IT)
Experimental study on the aggregate interlock in concrete with EAF slag aggregates

S. Pocoví-Martínez, L. Grima-Carmena, S. Ibiza-Palacios, L. Martín-Román, C. Camiña-Urgel, F. Bosch-Mossi - AIDIMME, Metal-Processing, Furniture, Wood and Packaging Technology Institute (ES)
Eco-friendly demetallisation of ABS using biogenic lixiviants

P. Cerchier - 9-Tech Srl (IT)
Material recovery from photovoltaic panels by means of thermal treatment: the effect of backsheet removal with two innovative technologies

M. Peer, B. Berninger, T. Fehn, A. Hofmann - University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (DE)
Recovery of Indium and Rare Earth Elements from light-emitting diodes

A.L. Sanna - Università degli Studi di Cagliari (IT)
From End-of-Life Magnets to Functional Carbon Materials: A Circular Strategy for Resource Recovery

A. Giacomelli, G. Diletta Pivari, L. Mascheretti, S. Cota - Erion Compliance Organization S.C.a.r.l. (IT)
Overcoming systemic barriers in recovering REE permanent magnets in WEEE

G. Dodbiba, K. Pitcharee, T. Fujita - The University of Tokyo (JP)
Optimization of lithium electrosorption from brine deposits for next-generation battery production

E. Pitacco, M. Pigato, C. Bernardini, L. D’Ambrosi, M. Forzan, K. Brunelli - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Microwave-based pyrometallurgical process to produce ferrosilicon with PV cells from EoL PV panels

H. Shalchian, T. Younas, V. Innocenzi, F. Veglio' - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (IT)
Graphite recovery from spent alkaline batteries

D. Austen, M. Schleicher, I. Gebauer, K. Patzsch, E. Wilharm - Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (DE)
Drying your hands with glucose - Paper towel waste as a substrate for diverse biotechnology

V. Poli, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Transitioning to bioplastics in the circular economy

2. Prevention, minimisation and preparing for reuse

M. Malaguti, M. Carone, M. Zanetti, A. Tiraferri, V. Riggio - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
Advancing sustainable water management for Galdieria sulphuraria cultivation

T. Beltrani, C. Brunori, P.R. Di Palma, M. La Monica, M. Langone, S. Viglia, E. Rio, G. Pingitore, W. Ganapini, R. Morabito - ENEA (IT)
Resource audit for the Fabric of Saint Peter in Vatican City: a preliminary analysis

A.P. Provin, A.R. de Aguiar Dutra, J.B.S.O. de Andrade Guerra, A. Leal Vieira Cubas - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (BR)
Circular business model for smallholder farmers: utilizing banana farming waste for textile production

F. Tommasi - Istituto Superiore di Sanità (IT)
Presentation of the Italian project “Spesa Sballata® Dimensione Italia” 2024-2026 and its “Linee di Indirizzo Igienico Sanitarie Spesa Sballata® Dimensione Italia -LIISSBA”

3. Sources and characterisation of valuable materials

C. Bedoya Muñoz, L.F. Mosquera Idrobo, J. Torres Agredo - Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CO)
Exploratory characterization of an industrial waste generated from the recycling of multi-layer packaging

E. Korotenko, M. Šyc, J. Jadrný, V. Veselý, P. Mašín - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (CZ)
A novel approach to gypsum recovery from MSWI plants with sodium-based wet flue gas treatment systems: results, challenges and perspectives

P. Dzoh Fonkou, G. Beggio, C. Castiglioni, L. Brambilla, G. Salviulo, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Quality of recycled materials: in-depth characterisation of post consumer and post industrial recycled plastics

4. Recovery of resources from wastewaters

F. Cecchini, K. Ayedi, V. Innocenzi, G. Mazziotti di Celso, M. Prisciandaro - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (IT)
Advancing water circularity: a simulation of hydrodynamic cavitation and membrane processes for sustainable industrial wastewater reuse

M.R. di Cicco, I. Galante, A. Spagnuolo, A. Masiello, C. Vetromile, C. Lubritto - Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (IT)
Optimizing biomass yield and waste recycling: the potential of twin-layers photobioreactors

K. Ruskova, M. Mladenov, L. Manoilova - University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (BG)
Heavy metal ions removal from wastewater using wood-based activated carbon

V. Forlini, F. Marzotto, S. Gross, M. Carraro - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Recovery and valorization of metals from industrial wastewater treatment residues

J. Valeri, G. Costa, R. Baciocchi - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
Assessment of the environmental benefits of a combined process for upcycling and reusing washing machine wastewater

5. Materials sorting and recovery of valuable materials

L. Sparascio, G. Torta, D. Cespi, L. Ciacci, I. Vassura, F. Passarini - Università degli Studi di Bologna (IT)
Recycling of electric motors for the recovery and valorization of NdFeB magnet content

D. Panepinto, I. Bianco, M. Ravina, B. Ruffino, M. Zanetti - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
Hard-to-recycle plastics in the automotive sector

6. Treatment and recycling of recovered materials

K. Hettmann, J. Tenorio, J. Schölkopf - Omya International AG (CH)
Capturing carbon dioxide with waste stream materials and the application in building materials

A. López-Uceda, J.E. Aguilar Herrera, R, Pérez Alcántara, A.P. Galvín - Universidad de Córdoba (ES)
Introducing the PLASOS Project: Optimization of sustainable concrete reinforced with recycled plastic fiber for low impact construction

L. Migliore, A. Alabiso, A. Appolloni, R. Baciocchi, R. Braglia, A. Canini, V. Cantelmo, R. Congestri, F. Costa, G. Costa, S. de A. Bombardelli Miranda, N.M. Gusmerotti, M. Longo, C. Mazzuca, M. Meraviglia, L. Micheli, A. Nebuloni, F. Scuderi, J. Valeri, S. Orlanducci - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
From microfibers to nanodiamonds: the upcycling and reuse of washing machine wastewater

L. Migliore, A. Alabiso, R. Braglia, V. Cantelmo, R. Congestri, M. Meraviglia, A. Nebuloni, F. Scuderi, F. Costa - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT)
Biotechnology for urban greening: the zero mile system© for the reuse of dishwasher wastewater

G. Cappai, G. Farru, M. Ghaslani, N. Marzban - Università degli Studi di Cagliari (IT)
Hydrothermal humification of olive pomace: a circular approach for the production of humic substances

V. Grossule, M. Henjak - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
How recovery of resources from BSF larvae used in wastewater treatment is influenced by the feeding composition

V. Grossule, M. Henjak, G. Beggio, J.K. Tomberlin - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Biowaste treatment using black soldier fly larvae: effect of Substrate macronutrients on process performance

M. Henjak, V. Grossule, R. Cossu - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Treatment of food processing wastewaters by using Black Soldier Fly larvae

7. Recovery and recycling of waste biomass

M. Costa, A. Coppola, F.S. Marra, D. Piazzullo - CNR (IT)
Simulated Database and AI Modelling Support for the Development of Biomass-Based Hybrid micro Power Grids

A. Pezzani, I.M. Cigognini, S. Chierici, P. Ly Pham, C. Zurlini - Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry (IT)
The project AGRITOMACTIVE: Valorization of green unripe tomatoes through sustainable extraction of cutin for applications in food packaging

L.M.D.R.S. Martins, A.P.C. Ribeiro, A. Figueiras - Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
InsectERA - Green transition towards environmental sustainability based on a circular economy

B. Sackey, S. Dzefi, L.D. Tetteh - Volta River Authority (GH)
Unlocking the circular economy potential of aquatic weeds management on the Volta River

M. Kriipsalu, K. Kenk, M. Ruutelmann, K. Orupold - Estonian University of Life Sciences (EE)
End-of-biowaste in Estonia

M. Fanelli, E. Frapiccini, L. Alessandroni, G.P. Leone, M. Panfili, F. Donato, F. Girolametti, J.D. Coisson, L. Segale, A. Durazzo, M. Lucarini, G. Borsetta, A.F.G. Cicero, G. Sagratini - CNR-IRBIM (IT)
Valorization of fish waste for the extraction of vitamin D3 for nutraceutical applications

A. Randazzo, A. Folino, F. Tassi, F. Tatàno, S. de Rosa - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (IT)
Engineering and geochemistry in the bioenergy potential estimations from waste biomasses through lab-scale anaerobic digestion

F. Illuminati, M. Schiavon, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Energy and material recovery from agri-food waste: optimizing feedstock mixture for thermocomposting and pyrolysis

10. Contaminants from circular economy in the environment

M. Šyc, J. Hyks, O. Hjelmar, E. Korotenko, T. Cajthaml - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (CZ)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in incineration solid residues

J. Van Caneghem, A. Verstegen, G. Torremans, J. Hofman, P. Berghmans, G. Otten, S. Herremans, E. Van Meenen, L. De Ren, A. Van Brecht - KU Leuven (BE)
Estimation of the destruction and removal efficiency for PFAS in a hazardous waste incinerator

E. Giansante, A. Fabrizi, G. Timelli - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Influence of impurity elements on the castability of recycled 6xxx series Al alloys

G. Beggio, A. Ndiforngu, R. Dall’Anese, T. Bonato, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in recycled plastics: screening and migration potential

11. Potential health impacts in circular economy

G. Oliveri Conti, M. Dettori, P. Rapisarda, E. Pulvirenti, M. Ferrante - Università degli Studi di Catania (IT)
From correct waste management to health protection: a focus on nanotoxics

N. Fraeyman, L. Demarré, K. Vanderwee, S. Mahlic, V. Duprez, S. Malfait, S. Huysfeld, J. Dewulf - Ghent University Hospital (BE)
Feasibility of the application of circular economy in health care

N.E. Rodrigues Macena, G.K. Menezes Martins, K. King Stone, E.L. Thacker, V. Resende Nogueira Cruvinel - Universidade de Brasília (BR)
Impact of chemical exposure on respiratory health among waste pickers in informal work environments

G. Kelly Menezes Martins, H. Moraes Pintel Ramos, D. Galato, V. Resende Nogueira Cruvinel - Universidade de Brasília (BR)
Gender differences in occupational accidents among waste pickers at the largest open dump in Latin America before its closure

A. Olomieja, H. Bello, O. Sojinu, O. Bankole-Ojo - Ogun State Institute of Technology (NG)
Synthesis and photocatalytical degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants using green synthesized nanocomposite

A. Ndiforngu, C.A. Cossu, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Microplastics in human and animal organisms

12. Interaction between material flows in society and nature

K. Houssini, J. Li, Q. Tan - Tsinghua University (CN)
Complexities of the global plastics supply chain revealed in a trade-linked material flow analysis

D. Sica, B. Esposito, S. Supino - Università Telematica San Raffaele Roma (IT)
Bridging circular economy and climate change in agri-food systems: a bibliometric exploration

13. Economic and financial aspects

A. Zatti - Università di Pavia (IT)
Taxation and the Circular Economy: perspectives and pitfalls with a specific focus on the Italian experience

S. Dasanayaka - Unitech Papua New Guinea (PG)
Assessing the economic impacts of climate change on small holder oil farming communities in Papua New Guinea

G. Felici, G. Corsi, S. Fabbri, M. Niero, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Valuing ecosystem services as a strategic tool to support the circular economy in waste management

M.C. Lavagnolo, L. George, R.A. Siddiqi, E. Di Maria - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Textile recycling supporting and enhancing industrial symbiosis

14. Policies and legal aspects

A.P. Galvín, J.E. Aguilar Herrera, A. Barbudo, R. Linares, A. López-Uceda - Universidad de Córdoba (ES)
Environmental leaching thresholds for recycled aggregates from C&DW: a proposal for End-of-Waste criteria in Spain

M. Pettersson, O. Johansson - Luleå University of Technology (SE)
The application of the precautionary principle in waste shipments

15. Tools & instruments for assessment and evaluation

J.J. Stanković, I.Marjanović, M. Stanojevic - University of Niš (RS)
Assessing circular economy performance in the European Union: a benefit of doubt approach

F. Rossi, C. De Bernardi, M. Niero, M. Frey - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (IT)
Empowering foundries for sustainability: a user-friendly eco-design tool for environmental self-assessment

S. Fagwani, R. Wadkar, G. Galluccio - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (IT)
Circularity of timber construction according to the life-cycle potential of wood by-products

H. Zarafshani, J. Van Caneghem, G. Granata - KU Leuven (BE)
LCA-TEA integrator: an open-source tool for integrated sustainability and economic assessment of biotechnological innovations: exploring qualitative, quantitative combined indicator-based, and preference-based integration methods

D. Di Trapani, M. Carciola, S.F. Corsino, A. Cosenza, G. Di Bella, G. Mancini, L. Gurreri, M. Langone, D. Mattioli, L. Petta, G. Sabia, A. Luciano, G. Gravina, G. Sciortino, M. Morello, M. Torregrossa, G. Viviani - ENEA (IT)
Assessing energy efficiency in wastewater treatment plant: a benchmark analysis from the SMARTEE-PLANTS project

D. Panepinto, M. Ravina, M. Zanetti - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
Consequences and risk modeling of natech in industrial environments

S. Salhofer - BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Circularity indicators in the construction sector

16. Education, communication, social and psychological aspects

D. Scrinzi, D. Bona, S. Bertolini, S. Silvestri - Fondazione Edmund Mach (IT)
Design and implementation of an educational role-play activity about a bioeconomy scenario

M. Derito, S. Longo, M. Cellura, A. Affranchi, S. Sagone - Università degli Studi di Palermo (IT)
The impact of gamification and interactive activities on students' environmental awareness: a case study in a school

G. De Feo - Università degli Studi di Salerno (IT)
Greenopoli: an innovative approach to environmental education and sustainable behavior

E. Sigala, C. Chroni, K. Abeliotis, K. Lasaridi - Harokopio University of Athens (GR)
Sociodemographic determinants of household food waste underreporting as assessed utilizing questionnaires

E. Rubaltelli - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Reducing overconsumption and waste in fashion: psychological drivers and technology acceptance

17. Artificial intelligence and digital solutions for circular economy

F. Bavali, S. Shahrbandi, G. Galluccio - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (IT)
Digital fabrication as a circularity driver in the wood design industry. A scoping review

18. Ecocities and circular economy

A. Leal Vieira Cubas, B. Bianchini Vali - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (BR)
Circular economy in cities: administrative strategies for implementation based on ISO 59004

19. Waste architecture and urban space

B. Riccardi, M. Mitrovic, M. De Carli, M.C. Lavagnolo - Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
UNIZEB, A Laboratory Building to promote resource circularity and energy savings

20. Urban mining and circular economy concepts in emerging and developing countries

G. Xu, X. Zeng - Tsinghua University (CN)
Classification and quantification of anthropogenic mineral resource

21. Social and ecological models

A. Ramos - INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (PT)
Bridging circular economy and society: evaluating the social acceptance of circular strategies

R. Suresh Kumar, N. Chitralekha Narayanan - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IN)
Beyond tokenistic integration: rethinking Extended Producer Responsibility for a just circular economy transition in India

A. Maiello, A. Gayraud - Leiden University (NL)
Migrating knowledge. Skills and practices of textile repair across migrant communities. The case of The Hague South West (Netherlands)

B. Steuer - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)
The informal recycling sector in Hong Kong: an indispensable facilitator for a circular economy transition beyond single-use plastics?

23. Companies forum

F. Albano, C. De Bernardi, F.M. Abbate, E. Baldereschi, M. Niero, M. Frey - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (IT)
Bridging the gap: how GHG accounting tools can support beer companies in the implementation of circular economy strategies

24. Energy & circular economy

S. Dell’Aversano, K. Gallucci, G. Vanga, A. Di Giuliano, L. Rossi, C. Villante - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (IT)
Production process and scaling up of green diesel as an e-biofuel

G. Trancone, G. Policastro, M. Fabbricino - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (IT)
Waste-to-Energy in agro-industries: experimental approaches to enhancing energy output from food by-products

R. Bregensk Alves, T. Galavote, L.H. Yamane, R. Ribeiro Siman - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (BR)
Energy recovery from non-recyclable urban solid waste in Brazil: social implications for waste pickers inclusion in a circular economy

M.A. Rosen - Ontario Tech University (CA)
Integrating waste recovery and energy polygeneration to support a circular economy

A.C. Gutierrez-Gomez, V.P. Garcilasso, M.M. dos Santos, K.L. Mascarenhas, J.R. Meneghini, M.S. Buckeridge, S.T. Coelho - University of São Paulo (BR)
Circular economy in the urban waste sector of Brazil

T. Ajayi, A. Bayode, K. Sulaimon, O. Daniel - Ogun State Institute of Technology (NG)
Polluting water with a veritable source of energy: a case study of the urban city of Lagos, Nigeria

25. Circular economy: cooperation between environmental scientists and the lively arts

D. Boggiani - Università di Pavia (IT)
L'esperienza di UNIPV nell’ambito della SERR - Settimana Europea per la Riduzione dei Rifiuti

I. Williams - University of Southampton (UK)
Workshop: Making a theatre production that is environmentally friendly and inspires social change